showing 16 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Team Fortress 2  Valve2007shooter Humorous labelminimizeminimize
Unreal Tournament III  Midway Games (Epic Games)2007Science Fiction shooter labelimageminimize
Vampire Rain: Altered Species Ignition Entertainment;AQ Interactive (Artoon)2008action/reflex Horror labelimagesubject
Far Cry 2  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montréal)2008shooter labelimagesubject
Red Faction: Guerrilla  THQ (Volition)2009action/reflex shooter Science Fiction labelimageminimize
The Punisher: No Mercy ZEN Studios2009shooter labelimageminimize
Star Trek: D-A-C  Paramount Digital Entertainment (Naked Sky Entertainment)2009shooter Science Fiction labelimageminimize
BioShock 2 2K Games (2K Marin;Digital Extremes;Arkane Studios)2010action/reflex shooter Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Section 8 SouthPeak Games (TimeGate Studios)2010Science Fiction shooter labelminimizesubject
Front Mission Evolved  Square Enix;Ubisoft (Double Helix Games)2010shooter Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Crysis 2 EA Partners (Crytek)2011Science Fiction shooter labelimageminimize
Warlords Atari (Griptonite Games)2012action/reflex labelminimizeminimize
Gotham City Impostors Warner Bros. Interactive (Monolith Productions)2012shooter Humorous labelimageminimize
Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013  Wizards of the Coast (Stainless Games)2012strategy Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
Aliens: Colonial Marines  Sega (Gearbox Software;TimeGate Studios;Nerve Software)2013Science Fiction shooter labelimagesubject
Battlefield 4  Electronic Arts (EA Digital Illusions CE)2013shooter labelimageminimize